If you are anything like me, science has also been something that has interquied me, and not just pieces of it, but all of it. The why's, how's who's, and even the I don't know's and why don't we know's caught my attention.
Tomorrow night (September 27, 2015, my nieces birthday I have to add :) is a rare lunar eclipse AND super moon and the SAME time.... Pretty sweet, huh??? So even though it is not a school day, I found an awesome video and article #NASA put together explaining each of these by themselves and them together and when the next one is scheduled to take place (hint, not for a few decades!). This is also a great video to show your kids and your students (even if you do not teach science). Especially with the push of STEM, why not show some interesting once (okay maybe twice in their life time events)....
Here is the link to the article explaining and breaking down what they are and when you can see them:
If you want to watch this happen live around the world, here is the link that NASA will be using for that:
Enjoy! and if you see it, please take pictures and share... I am planning on watching the entire thing, however they are now saying it may be to cloudy where I live... Do I hear road trip??? :)